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Pink Marble
Reiki Healing

Quantum leaping into New Earth
from the Sōl

Spiritual co-creations 

with Sosa

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Greetings and a warm welcome to Love, Quantūm Sōl!

Here, we embark on an ascension movement, joining forces to unite in consciousness on our beautiful planet Earth. My purpose is to activate the divine essence within you and guide you on a transformative journey.

Within Love, Quantum Sōl, you'll find a range of offerings, including virtual and in-person 1-on-1 sessions, group meditations, and an online shamanic class through the Lemurian School of Remembering.

I firmly believe that Love is the ultimate answer, and tapping into the wellspring of unconditional love within yourself is a truly empowering experience.

As a conduit of light and a carrier of the profound Lemurian medicine, I am here to connect you with your higher timelines, to release outdated programming, and to embody a new way of being that serves your highest good and the collective well-being. Remember, your healing journey contributes to the healing of us all.

Having personally experienced childhood and sexual trauma, I know the significance of creating a safe space for those seeking to release their stories and pain and to begin anew. I understand the longing to start afresh, even when unsure of where to begin. The shamanic path of healing transformed my life in unimaginable ways, allowing me to discover the power of my inner healer. I now experience deep self-love, joy, and well-being, which I had denied myself for much of my human journey.

My mission is to assist humanity in reconnecting with their Higher Self/Soul, to remember their innate gifts, magic, and the origin of Love itself.

The birth of Love, Quantum Sōl was inspired by a deep desire for you to remember Love—not just as a word, but as a powerful energy that lies at the core of our existence as creators on Earth. It is the seed within us. By anchoring this pure consciousness, we bring more light to our world, creating a profound shift in our reality. When we accept responsibility for our lives and experiences, we become co-creators of a New Earth through the Sōl.

Thank you for joining us on this sacred journey.

Thank you for your commitment to inner work and personal growth.

It is an honor to serve you on this transformative path.

Wishing you infinite peace and abundant blessings,


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What I Specialize In:

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Energy healing

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Past Life Regression

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Inner Child & Shadow work

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Pink Grain Wall

Blog posts:

Conscious Conversations

© Love, Quantūm Sōl by Sosa.

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